Center for Photon Information Processing (PIP)
Syllabus for EC5103 (3 Hrs; Elective)
Title: Optics and Lasers 광학과 레이저
Course Outline: Introduction to modern optics in an intermediate level for geometrical optics, wave equation, interference, coherence, diffractions, light propagation, and fiber optics.
Prerequisite: general physics, calculus
Textbook: Pedrotti & Pedrotti, Introduction to Optics, 3rd ed.
References: Optics by E. Hecht
Weekly Course Schedule
1st: Historical review and background (ch1)
2nd: Geometrical optics (ch2)
3rd: Wave equations (ch4)
4th: Superposition of waves (ch5)
5th: Properties of lasers (ch6)
6th: Interference of light (ch7)
7th: Optical interferometry (ch8)
8th: Midterm Exam
9th: Coherence (ch9)
10th: Fraunhofer diffraction (ch11)
11th: continued
12th: Diffraction grating (ch12)
13th: Fresnel diffraction (ch13)
14th: continued
15th: Matrix treatment of polarization (ch14)
16th: Final Exam